Our Project Manager based on Section 3 of the A14; Lewis Turnbull, spent the morning working alongside the A14 Skills Co-ordinator at an event run by “Go Stem” discussing careers in Construction with students from a host of local schools and colleges.

Ages of the students ranged from 13 to 16 years old. Topics of discussion were varied, ranging from what the project (A14) was actually trying to achieve, to what types of plant were being used.

In a statement Lewis said "As I had come into the industry via the apprenticeship route I felt I could offer worthwhile advise to students about what route to take, and the fact that they could always change their trade after coming into the industry. I spent a lot of time explaining how many trades were available whether it be office or site based, and that there is so much to offer to both male and female students looking to enter the industry."

Well done to Lewis and the team for joining our partners at the A14 for this very worthwhile cause. 

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