Work has completed on the 1st Phase of works for Kelly Formwork, on time, on budget and with massive success. Our Clients Skanska and Highways England are thrilled with the performance of the project team, and looking forward to more work in Q1 of 2022.
Skanska is leading on a £282 million project to improve junction 6 of the M42. The scheme, delivered on behalf of National Highways, provides a comprehensive upgrade of the junction near Birmingham Airport, allowing better movement of traffic on and off the A45.
Once complete road users will benefit from smoother journeys and the work will support economic growth in the area. Benefits include:
- Safe and reliable operation of the road network
- Increased capacity at junction 6, reducing congestion
- Improved access to key businesses and locations such as Birmingham Airport
- Improved access for cyclists, pedestrians, and other vulnerable users of the network.
Located to the east of Birmingham, near Solihull, the scheme was highlighted in the government’s 2014 Road Investment Strategy as an important junction lying in an area of dynamic growth.
Skanska is leading the project, working in close collaboration with design partner Mott MacDonald and customer National Highways. The Secretary of State granted Development Consent for the scheme in May 2020 and the main construction works commenced early 2021.